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Posted by: vyugfj662 - 08-20-2021, 08:36 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

我々の全産業パネルPC範囲は、タッチスクリーン機能とIP 65定格のフロントパネルで来ます。彼らは、ハードディスクドライブ、またはシステムのインストールとデータストレージをオペレーティング用のソリッドステートドライブでプリフィットされます。我々は事前にソフトウェアをインストールすることができますし、顧客の要件に合わせて当社の工業用パネルindustrial panel pcのいずれかをカスタマイズします。
ロジック・サプライを通してアメリカ合衆国で利用できるCincozeからのこの産業用パネルPCは、インテルベイトレイル・プロセッサーによって供給されて、3つのUSB 2.0、1つのUSB 3.0、2つのRS 232 / 422 / 485 COMポート、1つのVGA、1つのDisplayPort、Line Out、Mic - inと8ビットDIOの標準I / Oを特徴とします。
ロジック供給を通してアメリカ合衆国で利用可能であるCincozeからのTM 400 TouchScreenシンクライアント工業PCは、製造、工業的な支配、輸送とキオスクアプリケーションのそれらを含む挑戦的で、振動する傾向と極端な温度環境で使用するために設計されます。標準I / Oは、3つのUSB 2.0、1 USB 3.0、2つのRS 232 / 422 / 485 COMポート、1つのVGA、1つのDisplayPort、Line Out、Mic - inと8ビットdioを含みます。システムは、電源の15 Wだけを描いているインテルベイトレイルプロセッサによって動かされて、2.5“HDDまたはCFastメモリで装備されることができます。加えて、PCは、- 4度Fから158度Fの動作温度範囲とIP 65定格のフロントベゼルを特徴とします。
いずれかのタッチパネルPCまたはディスプレイ、我々は製造や生産の自動化のためのシステムを提供し、HMIや制御ユニットだけでなく、POSやキオスクアプリケーションです。一方で、我々は制御キャビネット、19“-ラックまたはコントロールパネルのための堅牢なパネルPCとディスプレイを提供しています。IP 67と拡張温度範囲と単純なパネル・アセンブリまでの侵入保護は、これらのモデルに応募します。これらのモデルは、IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 69 K、拡張温度範囲と簡単なパネル・マウントまでスプラッシュ水保護を特徴とします。私たちのパネルPCは、X 86のWindowsバージョンと同様にRISCベースのパネルindustrial touch panel pc Andriodで利用可能です。一方、我々はまた、主にVESAの実装に適している私たちの範囲で、エレガントな、ファンレスのすべての1つのPCソリューションだけでなく、マッチングタッチディスプレイがあります。統合されたカメラやスピーカーだけでなく、RFIDの読者とBluetoothは1つのデバイス内のすべての包括的な機器のためのいくつかの例です。
あなたのニーズにあなたの製品をカスタマイズするためにモジュール性と柔軟性を結合して、RXIパネル19 industrial panel pcポートフォリオも、デュアルコア1.0 GHzプロセッサーまたは4 GBまたは8 GBの利用可能なDDR 3 RAMでQuad Core 1.2 GHzプロセッサーのおかげでパフォーマンスを詰め込みます。Windows 10 IOT Enterprise LTSB Os Standardで、RXI -パネルPCは、あなたのソフトウェアニーズを満たす準備ができています。デザイン、耐久性とパワーの超スリムパッケージにパックの組み合わせは、アプリケーションの広い範囲に最適です。
Beckhoff製品の哲学の重要な特徴は、高度な、高性能コンポーネントとプロセッサの使用です。その結果、Beckhoff工業的なPCは、テクノロジー市場の最新の製品を含む傾向があります。すべての新技術は、産業か消費者のセグメントからであるかどうかにかかわらず、Beckhoffによってその潜在的産業アプリケーションのために適応されて、適切で統合されて最適化されてテストされます。顕著な例は、CP 2 xxxとCP 3 xxx装置シリーズの現代のマルチタッチ技術の統合です。現代のタッチ技術は2007年以来消費者市場で増加しています、そして、Beckhoffは一貫して高度で直観的な機械とシステム操作オプションを提供するために2011年以降そのパネルfanless industrial pcでそれを利用していました。beckhoffは,対応する基本技術の集積化により,使用可能性,干渉抵抗,機械的安定性,外形寸法の観点から,工業用に適した静電容量タッチ技術の機能原理を作った。CP 2 XXXとCP 3 xxx製品家族は、最新の消費者技術が産業環境でうまく使われることができる方法を説得的に示します。
魅力的に設計された制御パネルはBeckhoff工業embedded industrial pcシリーズを完全に補完する機械またはシステムのフロントエンドとして、彼らは一種の視覚の呼び出しカードとして機能します。ディスプレイ/操作ユニットと制御コンピュータの空間的分離はユーザに最大限の柔軟性を提供する。魅力的なデザイン、堅牢性と産業応用の適合性は、コントロールパネルシリーズの開発の重要な基準であった。

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  Advantech Launches Next Generation of industrial all in one pc
Posted by: vyugfj662 - 08-20-2021, 08:35 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Advantech Launches Next Generation of industrial all in one pc
Taipei, Taiwan, November 18, 2020 – Advantech, a leading industrial computing platform provider is pleased to announce its TPC-300 series–the next generation of its widely adopted TPC industrial panel pc aimed at machine automation and IoT applications.
Advantech’s TPC-300 series of next-generation industrial touch panel pc are available for order now. For more information about this or other Advantech products and services, contact your local sales support team or visit the Advantech website at
Syslogic's Touch Panel PC and HMI systems (Human Machine Interface) combine elegant designs and ease of use with industry virtues such as sturdiness, longevity and long-term availability. Syslogic offers panel PCs with projective-capacitive touch technology. All touch panel computers share their suitability for industrial purposes. Fanless embedded computers from our own manufacturing facilities, co
As a solution provider & manufacturer of industrial fanless computers, Ip65 industrial touch panel pc and display solutions, TAICENN confirms the use environment and application requirements of industrial forklifts, after understanding the actual application requirements. Industrial Panel PC need precise touch experience, unique mount method of forklift, fanless and low power consumption design, industrial vehicle power supply and stable power supply requirements, wireless expansion network requirements.

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  Qu'est - ce qu'une publicité LED?
Posted by: vyugfj662 - 08-20-2021, 08:33 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Cette nouvelle signalisation numérique s'est avérée un outil important pour la advertising display screen intérieure et extérieure.Il rappelle les expositions emblématiques du Piccadilly Circus de Londres et Times Square de New York.
Les écrans publicitaires LED sont de plus en plus répandus dans les centres urbains du monde entier.L'accueil est bon, la demande est forte et le développement de cette nouvelle technologie remarquable ne montre aucun signe de ralentissement.
Continuez à lire pour en savoir plus sur cette technologie à forte croissance, y compris l'utilisation et l'application de outdoor advertising screen à l'écran LED, les différents paramètres publicitaires et la façon dont vous gérez votre propre entreprise de publicité à LED rentable.
La indoor LED advertising screens est une forme de média publicitaire électronique qui affiche des annonces statiques ou vidéo au moyen de graphiques haute définition éclairés.D'excellents appareils peuvent produire une variété d'images numériques, de la publicité statique aux sites Web et aux médias en continu.Cette forme de Kanban numérique est incroyablement pratique, multifonctionnelle et portable.
Il peut être utilisé pour faire de la publicité multimédia sur n'importe quelle surface.Les écrans à LED offrent un contrôle strict et une interactivité, car le contenu publicitaire peut être diffusé en continu dans le secteur de la publicité par l'intermédiaire du système de gestion du contenu en nuage (SGC) et de la technologie Internet sans fil.
La publicité LED peut être utilisée par diverses entreprises pour un large éventail d'entités et de secteurs publics, sociaux et commerciaux, notamment:
Centres commerciaux et centres commerciaux
Restauration et hôtellerie
Qu'est - ce qu'une external digital advertising screens LED?
La publicité LED est une forme de média publicitaire électronique qui affiche des annonces statiques ou vidéo au moyen de graphiques haute définition éclairés.D'excellents appareils peuvent produire une variété d'images numériques, de la publicité statique aux sites Web et aux médias en continu.Cette forme de Kanban numérique est incroyablement pratique, multifonctionnelle et portable.
Il peut être utilisé pour faire de la publicité multimédia sur n'importe quelle surface.Les écrans à LED offrent un contrôle strict et une interactivité, car le contenu publicitaire peut être diffusé en continu dans le secteur de la publicité par l'intermédiaire du système de gestion du contenu en nuage (SGC) et de la technologie Internet sans fil.
La combinaison de ces technologies et de la indoor LED advertising screens a permis de réaliser l'engagement de créer une expérience publicitaire vraiment interactive capable de changer la façon dont la marque est diffusée et perçue.
En particulier, la technologie de la réalité augmentée, en intégrant le contenu numérique interactif animé dans l'environnement réel du tournage, a suscité une grande réponse du public.Des entreprises comme Pepsi utilisent des affichages publicitaires LED de réalité augmentée pour ajouter une nouvelle dimension audacieuse à leurs annonces.

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  Outils et équipements de base pour barman à équiper par bar en 2021
Posted by: vyugfj662 - 08-20-2021, 08:31 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Un des éléments de base.La cuillère du bar set est plus fine et plus longue.Sa poignée se termine par une variété de dessins, comme une poignée avec une fourchette pour saisir des décorations comme des olives, ou en forme de larme.
Les européens
Cette cuillère est en métal plus épais et plus solide que les autres cuillères du marché.Il a été poli à un brillant élevé et a un marteau supplémentaire que vous pouvez utiliser pour remuer les ingrédients.
Ce style particulier de cuillère de Bar a une poignée simple et tordue avec un couvercle à une extrémité et un couvercle en plastique rouge à l'autre extrémité.Ces cuillères sont généralement faciles à trouver, entièrement fonctionnelles et bon marché.

Pour des solutions de rechange moins coûteuses, Rebecca Katz, spécialiste des bartender tools de bar, recommande l'utilisation de l'écran vibrant parisien.C'est très similaire au shaker de cordonnier, mais seulement deux pièces, évitant les filtres intégrés.Les Shakers sont également plus à la mode que les autres options et sont difficiles à trouver.
Tous les autres outils dont vous pourriez avoir besoin
Si vous servez du wine rack ou du champagne dans un verre, le bouchon de champagne est absolument nécessaire dans le stock de vin de n'importe quel barman.Les bouteilles de raisin chères et les gobelets de flûte en mousse durent plus longtemps lorsque vos mains ne sont pas près des bouchons de Liège!Après ouverture, utilisez cet outil pour refermer la bouteille de champagne.
Chauffage des canaux
La décoration est un élément clé de presque tous les cocktails.Twist Citrus zester est un excellent outil pour créer un twist zest classique et pour injecter de l'huile de fruit dans une boisson.
Seau de glace
Le seau de glace sera toujours l'un des wine tools de bar les plus basiques.Ces appareils peuvent servir de refroidisseurs portatifs pour maintenir les boissons à basse température pendant de plus longues périodes.Chaque fois que les clients veulent boire lentement sans augmenter la température pour diverses raisons, les seaux de glace sont utiles.Vous pouvez mettre du vin, du champagne, de l'eau ou même quelques canettes de bière dans des fûts glacés.

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  Onde comprar ferramentas de bar EM Cingapura para investir EM SEU novo hobby coquetel
Posted by: vyugfj662 - 08-20-2021, 08:30 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Cada aprendiz começa SEU Caminho para UMA Nova Arte através Da aquisição de wine tools.Quando se trata de fazer coquetéis, SUAS próprias ferramentas de bar são um investimento necessário.
Pense nisso: possuir ferramentas de bar set adequadas permite que a SUA happy hour Pessoal vá de um gin básico e tônica Ou UMA Bola Alta para fizzes de gin, daiquiris e Muito mais.A potencial Biblioteca de coquetéis que você Pode USAR para beber o dia todo aumentou Dez vezes.Uma vez que a maioria de nós TEM levado a buscar novos hobbies e Bebidas EM Casa (não que tenhamos muita escolha agora, realmente), este é o presente oportuno para Pegar um conjunto de ferramentas de bar e comprometer-se com melhores coquetéis DIY.
Do que você realmente precisa?
Como qualquer Nova persuasão, coquetéis artesanais e OS produtos que vêm são abundantes, e assim, confuso.Se você é um amador, comece com o básico SEM ossos.
Estes são um coquetel de coquetéis, seja ele dois ou três peças, um jigger, um Filtro de bar de primavera, UMA colher de agitação e um enlameado.É simples.
A Grande coisa é que muitas lojas de Bebidas alcoólicas vendem kits amadores, Ou kits completos de fabricação de coquetéis para entusiastas intermediários para profissionais.Se você quiser tirar o alvoroço de escolher e escolher, Estes fazem para Boas opções.
O que Mais preciso saber sobre servir EM casa?
Para começar, você quer ter receitas no convés, seja através de Livros ou Recursos online sobre Como fazer coquetéis, que nós reunimos aqui.Em seguida, se você quiser IR até o FIM e estabelecer um home bar Como o SEU próximo Grande projeto, então, você adivinhou, temos tudo o que você Precisa saber sobre a construção de um aqui.
Nós entendemos, às vezes você só quer algo SEM alarido que só FAZ o SEU trabalho SEM todos OS Sinos e assobios de Madeira extravagante muddlers Ou Rosa coquetel de ouro.Para aqueles entre vocês que procuram um baixo investimento, este conjunto FAZ apenas o truque.Vem com coquetel, medidor de quebra-cabeças, UMA colher de mistura, lamacenta, Filtro e até Mesmo UMA pinça de ice bucket.Apesar de SEU preço favorável à carteira, ele ainda é feito com aço inoxidável assim você saberá que VAI Durar Anos e anos.
Nunca se sabe quando será chamado para ser o Perito EM coquetéis Na próxima festa e para isso VAI precisar Deste kit de coquetel.É um conjunto de doze peças com um agitador, agitador, lamacento e estirador e até Mesmo Bocas de automatic wine corkscrew para fixar EM garrafas para a precisão Da colocação.Se você não VAI a Lugar algum EM breve, SUAS ranhuras de armazenamento e bolsos também significa que você Nunca terá que procurar EM todo o SEU espaço de Cozinha para as pequenas ferramentas de novo.Este é o Lugar para IR para peças de investimento que você VAI USAR por um Longo tempo, tudo equipado EM metal elegante, vidro e Madeira Escura que FICA Melhor com a idade.
A empresa de bar pop-up, Barstylez, também TEM UMA empresa de varejo ONDE armazenam bartender tools para qualquer bar doméstico.Uma Gama saudável de marcas são transportadas, juntamente com as selecções de ferramentas.Mais do que agitadores e tensores, esperar garrafas ornamentadas para amarguras, vidro que estende kitschschy para jantar Digna de festa, e colheres EM acabamentos que variam de Ouro de Rosa para gunmetal.Esta é UMA Loja de conveniência para quem quer aumentar a SUA frota de bar a preços amigáveis.

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  Everything You Need to Stock an at-Home Bar
Posted by: vyugfj662 - 08-20-2021, 08:29 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Everything You Need to Stock an at-Home Bar
So you finally found the bar cart of your dreams, and you’ve loaded it up with your favorite liquor. While those are two very important steps to curating an at-home bar, to really make your setup recall that of your favorite watering hole, you’re going to want to add some barware and cocktail equipment. But that can be an intimidating task, especially if you’ve had more experience drinking cocktails than making them. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money. “Most people in their home bar really don’t need that many tools,” advises Joaquín Simó, a partner at New York City’s Pouring Ribbons who was named Tales of the Cocktail’s American Bartender of the Year in 2012. “I say you start with the absolute basics and concentrate on the things that you like to use.”
If you’re in a pinch, Martin Hudak, a bartender at Maybe Sammy, says you can always use bartender tools you may already have on hand: “For your shaken cocktails, you can use empty jam jars or a thermos flask. For measuring, spoons and cups, and for stirring, any spoon or back of a wooden ladle.” But Stacey Swenson, the head bartender at Dante (which currently holds the No. 1 spot on the World’s 50 Best Bars list), notes that if you’re going to put stuff on display, you might want gear that’s both practical and stylish. “You want something that’s functional and also something that’s pretty,” she says. “If you’re putting it on your bar cart, you kind of put on a show for your guests.” With the help of Simó, Hudak, Swenson, and 28 other experts, we’ve put together the below list of essential gear for any cocktail-lover’s home bar.

Editor’s note: If you want to support service industry workers who have been impacted by the coronavirus closures, you can donate to the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation, which has set up a COVID-19 Crisis Relief Fund, or One Fair Wage, which has set up an Emergency Coronavirus Tipped and Service Worker Support Fund. We’ve also linked to any initiatives the businesses mentioned in this story have set up to support themselves amid the coronavirus pandemic.
According to Simó, all shakers “technically do the same thing, and there are very cheap and very nice versions,” so there’s really no superior option when it comes to function. That said, many professional bartenders use Boston-style shakers, which are basically two cups that fit into each other and form a tight seal to keep liquid from splashing all over you. “If you want to look like a bartender at Death & Co. or PDT, and you want the same kit, then you’re probably going to go metal-on-metal,” or “tin-on-tin,” Simó notes. Six of our experts recommend these weighted tin-on-tin shakers — which come in a range of finishes, including copper and silver — from Cocktail Kingdom, a brand that nearly every bartender we spoke to praised for its durable, well-designed barware. Grand Army’s beverage director, Brendan Biggins, and head bartender, Robby Dow, call this “the gold standard” of shaking tins. “Behind the bar, there’s almost nothing worse than shaker tins that don’t seal well or don’t separate easily,” explains Krissy Harris, the beverage director and owner of Jungle Bird in Chelsea. “The Koriko Weighted Shaking tins seal perfectly every time and easily release,” she says. And because they’re weighted, they’re less likely to fall over and spill.

For some people, a two-piece setup like the above shakers might be tricky to use comfortably. “Say you’re a petite female — if you have very small hands, then maybe using a Boston-style shaker may be a little harder,” explains Simó. In that case, a cobbler shaker may be the better choice, because it’s smaller than a Boston-style shaker and thus easier to hold. The other convenient part of a cobbler-style shaker is that the strainer is already built into the lid, so you don’t necessarily have to spring for an additional wine tools. Karen Lin, a certified sommelier, sake expert, and the executive general manager of Tsukimi, suggests this shaker from Japanese barware brand Yukiwa. “The steel is very sturdy, and the shape fits perfectly in my hands,” she says. “It is also designed well so you can take it apart easily to clean.”
You know how James Bond always ordered his martinis shaken, not stirred? Well, if you were to ignore Mr. Bond’s order and make a stirred martini — or any other stirred cocktail, like a Negroni or a Manhattan — you’d set aside the shaker to use a mixing beaker instead. A mixing beaker is essentially a large vessel in which you dump your liquors and mix your drink. And though you can purchase handsome crystal ones for hundreds of dollars, both Simó and Swenson agree that they’re kind of superfluous for a basic bar kit. “I don’t think you should spend any more than $25 on a mixing glass,” says Swenson. Harris agrees, saying that since they are the most broken item behind the bar, you should stick to a well-priced option like this mixing glass from Hiware that “doesn’t have a seam, so it’s stronger and very attractive.”
One of Simó’s hacks to getting a glass mixing beaker for not that much money is to use the glass piece from a French press, which is something else you might already own. If you want a dedicated one for your bar cart (that could serve as a backup for your French press), he says you can buy a replacement glass like this one, which has a capacity that is particularly useful if you’re making drinks for a lot of people. “I generally will take one or two of the big guys with me when I’m doing events, because then I can stir up five drinks in one, and it’s really convenient,” Simó explains.
According to Paul McGee, a co-owner of Lost Lake in Chicago, “finding vintage martini pitchers is very easy, and they are perfect for making large batches of cocktails.” Plus, they’ll look more visually striking on your bar cart. This one is even pretty enough to use as a vase when it’s not filled with punch. The photo shows the pitcher next to a strainer, but you’re only getting the pitcher for the price shown.
If you’re making a stirred drink, a mixing or bar set spoon is also necessary. “Three basic styles exist: the American bar spoon has a twisted handle and, usually, a plastic cap on the end, the European bar spoon has a flat muddler/crusher, and the Japanese bar spoon is heavier, with a weighted teardrop shape opposite the bowl,” explains Joe Palminteri, the director of food and beverage at Hamilton Hotel’s Via Sophia and Society. None of our experts recommended specific American-style bar spoons, but Simó told us that one of his favorite Japanese-style spoons is this one made by bartender Tony Abou-Ganim’s Modern Mixologist brand. “It’s got a really nice, deep bowl to it, which means you’re able to measure a nice, level teaspoon” without searching through your drawers, according to him. Simó continues, “The little top part of it has a nice little weight to it, but it’s not too bulky. So it gives you a really nice balance as you’re moving the mixing spoon around,” making your job a little easier.
Should your at-home bartending require a lot of muddling, Swenson recommends getting a European-style spoon like this, which he says will still allow you to stir while eliminating the need to buy a dedicated muddler. “You can actually use the top of the spoon to crush a sugar cube if you wanted to for your old-fashioned. I have one of those, so I don’t have to have two tools; I’ve got both of them right there.”
You don’t necessarily need a strainer if you’re using a cobbler shaker, since it’s already got a strainer built into the lid. But if you’re using a Boston-style shaker, you should get what’s called a Hawthorne strainer to make sure the ice you used to chill your drink doesn’t end up in your glass and dilute the cocktail. Three experts recommend this one, including Lynnette Marrero, the beverage director of Llama Inn and Llama-San and the co-founder of Speed Rack, who says it’s her absolute favorite because “it is light and easy to clutch and close correctly.” If you choose to buy this Hawthorne strainer, Simó also recommends getting “the replacement springs that Cocktail Kingdom sells,” telling us they’re a good way to give a worn-out strainer a face-lift. “They’re really, really nice and tight, and you can generally slip them into any Hawthorne strainer that you have.”A jigger is what you use to measure the liquor into the shaker or mixing glass. A hyperfunctional, albeit nontraditional-looking, option is the mini measuring wine decante from OXO. “I know some bartenders, including the ones at Drink in Boston, one of the best bars in the country, swear by those graduated OXO ones because they love the ability to read them from both the sides and the top,” explains Simó. “You can measure in tablespoons or ounces or milliliters, and it’s all on the same jigger.” Part-time bartender Jillian Norwick and Ward both love it too and keep the stainless steel version on hand (which looks a little nicer when left out). Noriwck adds that she’s in good company: “The peeps at Bon Appétit love it.”This fancy-looking jigger combines the functional appeal of the OXO measuring wine glass (it’s basically a cup that grows wider to accommodate different amounts of liquid) with the aesthetic appeal of a classic bar tool. It also makes measuring a snap: “This handy measuring bar table and stools is super-easy to use and enables the imbiber to essentially build all the ingredients of a drink in one go,” says Confrey.If you’re going for a more classic look but still want something practical, Simó recommends this double-sided metal jigger that has a one-ounce cup on one side and a two-ounce cup on the other. The one-ounce side on this strainer also has a half- and three-quarter-ounce lines etched into it to make it even more precise. “That gives you a lot of wiggle room” and will allow you to measure for most basic cocktails, Simó says. “From there, you really just have to learn what a quarter-ounce looks like in there, and you’re pretty much good to go.”
Biggens, Dowe, and Swenson prefer a Leopold jigger, which has a unique bell shape (with one bell holding an ounce, and the other two ounces) as well as lines etched on the inside marking both quarter- and half-ounces. “They’re really easy to hold and they have some weight to them,” Swenson adds. “Somebody who’s not really experienced using a jigger is going to be fine with something with a little bit more weight to it. And they look cool.”
Though it’s easy to want to get a different type of glass for every type of drink you make, that’s really unnecessary when you’re first starting out. According to Simó, “You can make 90 percent of drinks into a good, all-purpose cocktail glass like a rocks or a collins glass.” (While this section contains our bartenders’ favorite glasses, if you want to shop around, you can find most of these styles at various price points in our list of the best drinking glasses.) A collins — or highball — glass is the one that looks like a chimney, and generally you’re looking for something that’s about 12 ounces, like these collins glasses from bartender-favorite brand Cocktail Kingdom. “You don’t want a 16-ounce Collins glass because you’re going to be hammered after your second Tom Collins,” advises Simó.

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  Edible Films Created for Food Packaging
Posted by: teesg3gf - 08-20-2021, 04:56 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

An international group of scientists from India and Russia has created edible food transparent films for packaging fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat, and seafood. Films consist of natural ingredients, they are safe for health and the environment. In addition, films are water-soluble and dissolve by almost 90% in 24 hours. Description of the research and results of experiments are published in the Journal of Food Engineering.
"We have created three types of food super clear films based on the well-known naturally occurring seaweed biopolymer sodium alginate," said Rammohan Aluru, senior researcher Organic synthesis laboratory at Ural Federal University and co-author of the paper. "Its molecules have film-forming properties. Sodium alginate is an auspicious carbohydrate macromolecule that has the potential film-forming properties upon hydrolysis and abundantly existed in cell walls as a mixture of various salts. The greatest advantage of sodium alginate is that it performs as liquid-gel in an aqueous medium."

Alginate molecules were cross-linked with a natural antioxidant ferulic acid. It makes the film not only strong, but also homogeneous, more rigid, and prolongs the life of the products.
"Food stays fresh longer due to the antioxidant components that slow down the oxidation processes," said Grigory Zyryanov, professor of the Department of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry at Ural Federal University. "In addition, we can add to the films natural antiviral agents, which will also extend the shelf life of food. Garlic, turmeric, and ginger contain compounds that may prevent the spread of the viruses."
According to the authors, no special equipment for the production of films is required. On an industrial scale, it can be created by food products and films manufacturers.
"It can also be produced at a polymer production plant. The only condition is that it must meet the standards that apply to food production. And if an inexhaustible source of algae the ocean is nearby it will be quite simple to create such films," said Grigory Zyryanov.
A plastic embossed film having a random embossed matte finish is provided. The random embossed matte film may be wound very easily into rolls and the roll contour achieved has superior uniformity. In addition, the film provides relatively equal tape adhesion and gloss properties on both sides which make it especially suitable for use in articles such as disposable diapers or underpads. Another advantageous property that renders it especially suitable for diaper conversion operations is its very low degree of edge curl. The clear embossed film provides a totally different appearance as compared to conventional diaper films in that the overall appearance is a dull matte finish but nonetheless having slight sparkles of brilliance throughout the surface, and it further provides a softer feel.
As the name suggests, decorative film is aesthetically pleasing. This type of window film can serve two purposes: it can make the workplace not as dull, plus it can attract customers from the outside.
Decorative film can come in a number of patterns and colors, as well as opacity (such as gradients), and some places even let you make custom designs. You can include window film in your branding and create something that’s truly unique.
Since you can control the opacity of decorative film, not only can it brighten up your workplace, but it can also be an interesting type of privacy film. So instead of looking at plain window film every day, your employees can enjoy looking at interesting patterns.
Plasticiser (US: plasticizers) have been used for decades to make toys soft, flexible and safe by replacing or protecting sharp edges and avoiding brittleness which could result in a choking hazard. The use of some ortho-phthalates has been restricted in the European Union since December 1999. In 2005 the temporary restrictions were formalised in the Marketing and Use Directive which in turn was incorporated into Annex XVII of REACH. DEHP, DBP and BBP are restricted in all toys and childcare articles based on their reproductive properties. DINP, DIDP and DNOP are restricted in toys and childcare articles which can be placed in the mouth based on ECHA and RAC not being able to exclude a risk (due to mild liver effects seen at high doses in rat studies). The precise restrictions can be found in REACH Annex XVII (Paragraphs 51 and 52).

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  How Do Wind Turbines Work?
Posted by: teesg3gf - 08-20-2021, 04:30 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead of using electricity to make wind—like a fan—vertical wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity.

Wind is a form of solar energy caused by a combination of three concurrent events:
1. The sun unevenly heating the atmosphere
2 .Irregularities of the earth's surface
3. The rotation of the earth. 
Wind flow patterns and speeds vary greatly across the United States and are modified by bodies of water, vegetation, and differences in terrain. Humans use this wind flow, or motion energy, for many purposes: sailing, flying a kite, and even generating electricity.
The terms "wind energy" and "wind power" both describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity.
horizontal wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades, which work like an airplane wing or helicopter rotor blade. When wind flows across the blade, the air pressure on one side of the blade decreases. The difference in air pressure across the two sides of the blade creates both lift and drag. The force of the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the rotor to spin. The rotor connects to the generator, either directly (if it’s a direct drive turbine) or through a shaft and a series of gears (a gearbox) that speed up the rotation and allow for a physically smaller generator. This translation of aerodynamic force to rotation of a generator creates electricity. 

Permanent magnets have been used to provide the magnetic field in small to medium sized generators for many years. The use of these in large renewable energy (RE)generators may offer performance advantages for future utility-scale generators.
Large (MW sized) permanent magnet generators (PMGs) are mainly found in the wind turbine sector today, but are not confined to this area. PMGs offer a number of advantages to the generator field and are being used in applications from standby plant to hydro generators. The PMG is finding particular application in renewable energy systems, where reduced size and higher efficiency give an advantage. The ability to find application in both low speed and high speed generators is accelerating the use of this type of equipment.

Solar panel connectors are crucial items in the installation of solar generation systems. The connector speeds up the installation and makes it relatively easy by ensuring continuity between cables that connect the modules in the solar array. This allows the current to flow from the solar panel to the solar charge controller, into the solar inverter, and then power every appliance at the home.
The solar cable connector plugged at the end of each wire is the main one responsible for simplifying modular installations for solar systems. By using these connectors, a solar installer can reconfigure the modules when increasing the size of the system, installing modules in parallel or series to achieve the desired array.
Using the right mc4 solar connector is important for the wiring of photovoltaic (PV) modules with other components in the system, especially when using a combiner box for larger systems. In this article, we will dive into the basics of solar connectors, you will learn about the different types of solar connectors, the differences among them, and many other important aspects that you should know.
Photovoltaic wire, also known as PV wire, is a single-conductor wire used to connect the panels of a photovoltaic electric energy system. A solar cable is the interconnection cable used in photovoltaic power generation. Solar cables interconnect solar panels and other electrical components of a photovoltaic system. Solar cables are designed to be ultraviolet resistant and weather resistant.

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  Retrievable and feedthrough production packers
Posted by: teesg3gf - 08-20-2021, 04:21 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

Optimize your completion with our high-performance, retrievable production packers, which are designed to be versatile, reusable, and removable for any good application.  
And in your wells that include an intelligent completion system design, our feedthrough retrievable packers allow control lines to be deployed to provide power and communication with equipment lower in the wellbore. 
Removable production packers are also available to provide you the same pressure and temperature ratings as a permanent packer, but with the option of easy removal when required. While these wireline set permanent packers are designed for one-time use, they help minimize your removal costs without the need for milling out.
You get additional versatility by selecting multiple options to set these packers:
Wireline tools such as logging tools, slick line tools can be stuck in the hole therefore we need to understand about wireline recovery tool. This article demonstrate typical wireline fishing / recovery tool.  Common wireline tool issues center around the cable being tangled or wadded in the hole, as well as the fact that attempts at fishing can pull the wireline out of the rope socket or part, further complicating tool retrieval.
As there is such a wide range of safety valves, there is no difficulty in selecting a safety valve that meets the specific requirements of a given application. Once a suitable type has been selected, it is imperative that the correct relieving pressure and discharge capacity are established, and a suitably sized valve and set pressure are specified.
The selection of a specific type of safety valve is governed by several factors:
Cost - This is the most obvious consideration when selecting a safety valve for a non-critical application. When making cost comparisons, it is imperative to consider the capacity of the valve as well as the nominal size. As mentioned in the previous module, there can be large variations between models with the same inlet connection but with varying lift characteristics.
Type of disposal system - Valves with an open bonnet can be used on steam, air or non-toxic gas, if discharge to the atmosphere, other than through the discharge system, is acceptable. A lifting lever is often specified in these applications.
Migration of sand within the reservoir can present major obstacles to well production through reduced production rates, sand bridging, erosion of equipment, and sand disposal and removal. Our sand control tool and technology begin with an in-depth analysis of the reservoir and well conditions. 

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Posted by: teesg3gf - 08-20-2021, 04:11 AM - Forum: My Forum - No Replies

About 5000 to 7000 furnaces for sintering zirconia are produced every year at the moment. The numbers are rising. There are two different heating element types that are installed in the dental furnaces on the market to achieve the extremely high temperatures, usually in excess of 1400°C (2552°F). By far the largest share of the furnaces on the market is built with molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) heating elements. In some few cases, silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements will be used. These two element types differ in their properties in addition to the entirely different basic materials.
SiC heating elements are usually used up to a temperature of 1530°C (2786°F) as recommended by the furnace manufacturer. A firing cycle will take several hours. MoSi₂ heating elements can be used up to a temperature of 1750°C (3182°F), depending on the quality and furnace type. The maximum application temperature of these heating elements therefore is clearly above that of SiC heating elements. Additionally, the surface load, which means the power (W) that can be emitted per square centimeter (cm2) is more than twice that of SiC, at above 25 W/cm2. This permits much faster heating-up rates, to much higher application temperatures. Heating to 1550°C (2822°F) in less than 15 minutes is possible.
Among the ceramic materials, silicon nitride ceramics possess good overall performance (e.g., high hardness, high strength, low density, low thermal conductivity, low chemical activity, and high wear resistance), which promotes these applied as rolling bearing, machine tools, sliding bearing in water pumps.
Aluminum titanate has outstanding properties that make it ideally suited for applications involving molten aluminum, including complete resistance to wetting by aluminum alloys, total gas impermeability, and a very low thermal expansion coefficient. This material offers a longer service life and higher reliability when compared to cast iron, calcium silicate or fused silica components. All riser/stalk tubes are 100% leak-down tested, and parts are available with gasketing and ceramic foam filters to provide complete assemblies.
Alumina ceramic is an industrial ceramic that has high hardness, is long wearing, and can only be formed by diamond grinding. It is manufactured from bauxite and can be shaped using injection molding, die pressing, isostatic pressing, slip casting, and extrusion.
Reaction bonded silicon carbide has excellent wear, impact, and chemical resistance. The strength of RBSC is almost 50% greater than that of most nitride bonded silicon carbides. It can be formed into a variety of shapes, including cone and sleeve shapes, as well as more complex engineered pieces designed for equipment involved in the processing of raw materials.
Ceramic fiber paper is a must-have for those who work in the manufacturing industry. It’s a type of the high-temperature insulated paper that’s integral to many manufacturing functions. For one thing, ceramic fiber paper has a huge variety of applications — whether it’s protecting gaskets (like rope gaskets) from high temperatures or providing insulation — and there’s a range of grades and thermal conductivity, depending on what’s needed. If you’re looking to purchase ceramic fiber paper, we’re your best bet — we’ll discuss some of the benefits and applications that you might not have expected out of this material and what you should expect when ordering and handling it. 

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